Hire professionals for your water borehole drilling and pump installation in Turkana and Rift Valley region. Our team of hydrogeologists, engineers and maintenance staff make use of the best available technology to keep control over costs while delivering excellent service. All of our highly trained staff are committed to a flexible, hands on approach; paying the closest attention to your needs and always providing a professional service. Our clients range from multinationals, ngo and government institutions.

Water Borehole Drilling Projects
 Lokitaung  Borehole Drilling & Equipment Installation  Kenya Power & Lightining Co. Ltd Turkana North  3.4 million
 Lokori Borehole Drilling  Kenya Power & Lightining Co. Ltd Turkana East  3.1 million
 Borehole Drilling & Equipment at Kapendo Todonyany  Todonyany Caoholic Parish  4.2 million
 Borehole Drilling Turkana Central  Kalokol Community  2.8 million
 Borehole Drilling & Equipment Turkana Central  Nazaret Exploration Ltd  10.7 million
 Rock Water Dams Turkana West  Lokichooggio  15 million
 Borehole Drilling & Equipment  Ceamo Prestige Lodge  2.1 million
 Nachuro Water Pans  Turkana Community  12.5 million